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"We tiptoe through life hoping to safely make it to death."

I love this quote. I wish I knew who said it. I am trying to imagine what it would be like to tiptoe through life in today's world. It would be quite hard. But the quote does beg the question: "What really matters in life, my life, each and every day?"

The other day someone backed into my relatively new car and added a few scratches. I thought for a moment and finally asked myself, does this really matter? Trying to create an impression of who I am so people will think well of me; working long hours and being robot-like at work so I can cope with too many expectations and assignments; being upset because somebody judged or criticized me and hurt my feelings. Do any of these things matter?

As I age I get clearer that the things I thought mattered, just really don't. Living and manifesting my beliefs and values, being in the world and realizing I am connected to all that is, and aware that kindness, compassion, and love are really vital. Being aware that hatred, bigotry, and anger matter too, because we are all affected by whatever each individual puts out into the world, whether we realize it or not. If we live in fear and recoil from life, than we tiptoe through life hoping to safely make it to death.

But if we take a stand for human rights, if we extend a kindness, if we live a conscious life where our daily choices are bold, meaningful, and courageous than we can run through the minefield of life with the assurance that we have not only elevated our own being, but all beings.

As you lie on your death bed, and reflect on your life, what will have really mattered to you? Ask yourself this question now, you may have some adjustments to make. I did!

With Gratitude,


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